



2008.09-2012.07  河南科技大学  本科

2008.09-2015.07  华南农业大学  硕士

2015.09-2018.12  中山大学     博士


2019.03-2023.08  kaiyun欧洲杯app生命科学学院           讲师

2019.09-2024.01  抗病毒型传染病创新药物全国重点实验室   讲师

2024.01-至今    抗病毒型传染病创新药物全国重点实验室   副教授




1. kaiyun欧洲杯app博士科研启动基金,H7N9 VLPsWIV对小鼠被动免疫的比较研究,20202023,主持,8万

2. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,Gemykibivirus生物学特性的研究及感染小鼠动物模型的建立,20212023,主持,24万

3. 河南省重点研发专项,定量菌种保护剂的优选及其标准物质的研制与产业化,20232024,主持,200万 

4. 河南省先上线下混合式一流本科课程,生物制品学,2022,第三

5. 企业横向课题,17种常见呼吸道病毒多重荧光检测试剂盒,2022至2025,第二,100万


(1).Qin, J., Zhang, Y., Shen, X., Gong, L., Peng, O., Liu, Y., Xue, C., Cao, Y. (2018). H7 virus-like particles assembled by hemagglutinin containing H3N2 transmembrane domain and M1 induce broad homologous and heterologous protection in mice. Vaccine. 36(33):5030-5036.

(2). Qin, J., Zhang, Y., Shen, X., Gong, L., Xue, C., Cao, Y. (2018). Biological characteristics and immunological properties in Muscovy ducks of H5N6 virus-like particles composed of HA-TMH3/TM and M1. Avian Pathology. 48:35-44.

(3). Qin, J., Peng O., Shen, X., Gong, L., Xue, C., Cao, Y. (2019). Multiple amino acid substitutions involved in the adaption of three avian-origin H7N9 influenza viruses in mice. Virology Journal. 16(1).

(4). Lu, R., Qin, J., Wu, Y., Wang, J., Huang, S., Tian, L., Zhang, T., Wu, X., Huang, S., Jin, X., Zhang, C. (2020). Epidemiological and clinical characteristics of COVID-19 patients in Nantong, China. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 14(5):440-446.(并列第一)

(5). Qin, J., Lin, J., Zhang, X., Yuan, S., Zhang, C., Yin, Y. (2022). Evaluation of the clinical effectiveness of oseltamivir for influenza treatment in children. Frontiers in Pharmocology. 13: 849545.

(6). Qin, J.,Hu, B., Song, Q., Wang, R., Zhang, X., Yu, Y., Wang, J. (2022). The transmembrane replacement H7N9-VLP vaccine displays high levels of protection in mice. Frontiers in Microbiology. 13: 1003714.