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1. 国家自然科学基面上项目基于单原子廉价金属催化材料的还原脱卤-氧化降解技术构建及其可见光电催化去除卤代有机污染物研究,52070015,参与;

2. 国家水体污染控制与治理科技重大项,2018ZX07101005,雨洪水等非常规水源渗滤袋水质净化技术研发,2018/01-2020/06,参与;

3. 北京林业大学杰出青年人才培育计划项目,(2019JQ03007, 2019),参与.



(1) Lu Zhang, Hui Wang Zhaoyong Bian, Interface engineering Z-scheme α-Fe2O3/g-C3N4 photoanode: Simultaneous enhancement of charge separation and hole transportationfor photoelectrocatalytic organic pollutant degradation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 432 (2022) 134873.

(2) Lu Zhang, Meng Zhang, Xiaozhe Song, Hui Wang, Zhaoyong Bian. One-step synthesis of MnOx/g-C3N4 nanocomposites for enhancing the visible light photoelectrochemical oxidation performance. Chemical Engineering Journal, 399 (2020) 125825.

(3) Lu Zhang, Qin Shi, Yuye Guo, Danan Xu, Hui Wang, Linyan Wang, Zhaoyong Bian. Interface optimization by impedance spectroscopy and photoelectrocatalytic degradation of clofibric acid. Electrochimica Acta, 300 (2019) 242-252.

(4) Lu Zhang, Ci Wei, Hanyu Tang, Hui Wang, Zhaoyong Bian, Construction of heterojunction photoanode via facile synthesis of CoOx/CN nanocomposites for enhanced visible-light-driven photoelectrochemical degradation of clofibric acid. Chemosphere, 281 (2021) 130825.

(5) Lu Zhang, Wei Wang, Hui Wang, Xin Ma, Zhaoyong Bian, Design of inorganic–organic hybrid photocatalytic systems for enhanced CO2 reduction under visible light. Chemical Engineering Science, 207 (2019) 1246–1255.

(6) Lu Zhang, Wei Wang, Hui Wang, Zhaoyong Bian. Molecular manganese catalyst anchored on Bi2MoO6 with enhanced photogenerated charges separation for efficient vsible-light photoreduction of CO2. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, (2019) 30:5808–5819.

(7) Dandan Xu, Lu Zhang, Hui Wang*, Zhaoyong Bian, Optimization of electrochemical sequential reduction-oxidation of chlorophene with CoNi alloy anchored ionic liquidgraphene cathode: Comparison, mechanism and toxicity study. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 358: 1371–1382 .

(8) Meng Zhang, Lu Zhang, Hui Wang*, Zhaoyong Bian,Hybrid electrocatalytic ozonation treatment of high-salinity organic wastewater using Ni–Ce/OMC particle electrodes. Science of the Total Environment , 724 (2020) 138170.

(9) Yajing Yang, Lu Zhang, Zhaoyong Bian, Hui Wang, Bi@BiOx(OH)y modified oxidized g-C3N4 photocatalytic removal of tetracycline hydrochloride with highly effective oxygen activation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 427 (2022) 127866.

(10) Bitao Liu, Lu Zhang, Hui Wang, Zhaoyong Bian, Preparation of MCC/MC silica ponge and its oil/water separation apparatus application. Industrial & Engineering hemistry Research, 2017, 56: 5795–5801.
