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1) Yao, D., Tang, G., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, Y., Yu, M., Liu, Y., Yu, H., Liu, J., Hu, B., Wang, P. and Wang, Y., 2022. Oscillation cumulative volatile organic compounds on the northern edge of the North China Plain: Impact of mountain-plain breeze. The Science of the total environment, 153541.

2) Yao, D., Tang, G., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, B., He, H. and Wang, Y., 2022. Annual nonmethane hydrocarbon trends in Beijing from 2000 to 2019. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 112: 210-217.

3) Yao, D., Tang, G., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Wang, L., Chen, T., He, H. and Wang, Y., 2021. Significant contribution of spring northwest transport to volatile organic compounds in Beijing. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 104: 169-181.

4) Wang, Y., Wang, Y., Tang, G., Yang, Y., Li, X., Yao, D., Wu, S., Kang, Y., Wang, M. and Wang, Y., 2021. High gaseous carbonyl concentrations in the upper boundary layer in Shijiazhuang, China. Science of the Total Environment, 799.

5) Wu, S., Tang, G., Wang, Y., Mai, R., Yao, D., Kang, Y., Wang, Q. and Wang, Y., 2021. Vertical Evolution of Boundary Layer Volatile Organic Compounds in Summer over the North China Plain and the Differences with Winter. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, 38(7) : 1165-1176.

6) Liu, J., Liu, Z., Ma, Z., Yang, S., Yao, D., Zhao, S., Hu, B., Tang, G., Sun, J., Cheng, M., Xu, Z. and Wang, Y., 2021. Detailed budget analysis of HONO in Beijing, China: Implication on atmosphere oxidation capacity in polluted megacity. Atmospheric Environment, 244.

7) Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Huang, W., Yao, D., Zhao, S., Wang, Y., Ji, D., Zhang, R. and Wang, Y., 2021. Parameterized atmospheric oxidation capacity and speciated OH reactivity over a suburban site in the North China Plain: A comparative study between summer and winter. Science of the Total Environment, 773.

8) Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Yao, D., Zhao, S., Yang, S., Ji, D., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Liu, Z., Hu, B., Zhang, R. and Wang, Y., 2020. Significant decreases in the volatile organic compound concentration, atmospheric oxidation capacity and photochemical reactivity during the National Day holiday over a suburban site in the North China Plain. Environmental Pollution, 263.

9) Yang, Y., Wang, Y., Zhou, P., Yao, D., Ji, D., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Zhao, S., Huang, W., Yang, S., Chen, D., Gao, W., Liu, Z., Hu, B., Zhang, R., Zeng, L., Ge, M., Petaja, T., Kerminen, V.-M., Kulmala, M. and Wang, Y., 2020. Atmospheric reactivity and oxidation capacity during summer at a suburban site between Beijing and Tianjin. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20(13) : 8181-8200.

10)  Wu, S., Tang, G., Wang, Y., Yang, Y., Yao, D., Zhao, W., Gao, W., Sun, J. and Wang, Y., 2020. Vertically decreased VOC concentration and reactivity in the planetary boundary layer in winter over the North China Plain. Atmospheric Research, 240.

11)  Yang, Y., Ji, D., Sun, J., Wang, Y., Yao, D., Zhao, S., Yu, X., Zeng, L., Zhang, R., Zhang, H., Wang, Y. and Wang, Y., 2019. Ambient volatile organic compounds in a suburban site between Beijing and Tianjin: Concentration levels, source apportionment and health risk assessment. Science of the Total Environment, 695.

12)  Wang, C., Yao, D., Liu, Y., Wu, Y. and Shen, J., 2018. Development of a novel recycling system for waste cathode ray tube funnel glass based on the integration of nanoscale Fe-0 with ball milling. Waste Management, 76: 679-686.

13)  Wang, C., Yao, D., Liu, Y., Zhu, Y., Chen, G. and Zhu, J., 2018. Particles and porous tablets based on Fe-0/ZSM-5 composites prepared by ball-milling for heavy metals removal: Dissolved F2+, pH, and mechanism. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 72: 33-42.

14)  Wang, C., Zhu, Y., Yao, D., Chen, G. and Wang, L., 2017. Assessing human bioaccessibility of trace contaminants in size-fractionated red mud, derived precipitates and geopolymeric blocks. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 11(6) .

15)  王春峰, 姚丹, 陈冠飞, 朱艳臣, 皇晓晨, 王连军, 2017. 赤泥重金属和放射性元素的毒性浸出和生物可给性. 环境科学研究, 30(05) : 809-816.
